Caswell Prewitt Realty - Fine Art, Antique, & Estate Auctions
We know auctions at Caswell Prewitt Auctions. Featured are some of the items that have been sold. Prices are not inclusive of buyer's premium.

1940 Kentucky Derby Glass

1939 Kentucky Derby Glass

World War II Bakelite Kentucky Derby Glass

Little Red Riding Hood Bank

Stoneware Jug

Paul Sawyier Oil on Canvas
$61, 500

19'by13' Persian Meshad

Blanchard Coin Silver Julep Cup

46 piece set of Flow Blue

1892 Liberty $10 Gold Coin

1940 Aluminum Kentucky Derby Glass

Henry Faulkner Oil on Board
$24, 750

1969 Winchester Teddy Roosevelt

Cherry Sugar Bureau

Early 19th Century Kentucky Sampler

Hamilton Stoneware Crock

Henry Clay Gold Presentation Watch